Enthousiasme par rapport à l'expérience.

We are looking for curious developers, growth managers, sales people. Basically, anyone with enough enthusiasm to do things differently.

Frontend Developer / Angular

You are fit at TypeScript and Angular; you know your ways around Jira, git and npm; you think logically and have fun bringing it to your code? Great! If you are curious and can face challenges without being overwhelmed we would like to know you better. Drop us a line and let’s talk.


Frontend Developer / React

A couple of projects with React under the belt will make it interesting enough for us to want to know more about you. You prefer to work in a structured way, making things, which please not only your product owner, but yourself, too. Git, npm, Jira are words you click or type on a daily basis.
Is that you? Let’s talk.


Backend Developer / PHP

We should tell you something about PHP, OOP, Laravel, APIs and mySQL, but we sincerely hope, that you can actually tell us much more about those things than we can think of. Ping us.


Growth Manager

Growth Hacking? Social Media? Content Strategy? Blogs? Vlogs? Cogs? You name it. It will be your responsibility and you will be able to actually move a needle here in a meaningful way. What we can promise is that we do not want to follow the main road… What is that you are now thinking of? Let us know.


Sales Manager

Yes, you can sell. You also can listen to people, see what they need and make the sales process more of a help then of a push. We are in no sales amok run – we actually want to make the life of small business owners more bearable.
Does it sound like you can pull this off? Let’s talk about it, right now.
