When you think of a great leader, what qualities come to mind? A leader is someone who exudes confidence, has a vision, great listening skills and the list goes on and on. Above all, a leader is someone who can assign tasks and responsibilities to their team without micromanaging or coming across as a bully. This simple yet crucial aspect of leadership can make or break a business.
Firstly, delegation is more than simply passing work on to someone else. Delegation is being able to share the workload to avoid being overwhelmed. It is a great way to manage the tasks at hand and increases trust and productivity among your employees. Here are some ways to successfully delegate tasks and responsibilities to your staff.
1. Use authoritative communication.
As an employer, you need your employees to listen to you. Be clear about the goals and milestones you intend to achieve with their help. Be firm, not rude in the way you assign tasks and be sure to give deadlines so that employees don’t become idle and put off the work. All bosses must become conscient of the authority that naturally comes with the role and make good use of it. For example, after delegating a task, don’t wait for members of your team to contact you for information. Instead, take the initiative and communicate with them. Use your authority to demand updates and give honest feedback.
2. Use delegation tools.
You can’t assign a task to workers without first ensuring if they have the necessary tools disposable to them. Make sure the person or persons entrusted with the tasks possess the resources needed to succeed. If the person is not familiar with the specific tool you have chosen, give them a tutorial and confirm that they are comfortable enough before allowing them to work.
3. Let go.
Many managers struggle with letting other people do part of the work. They either think they can do the work better themselves or they don’t feel comfortable not being a part of the process because they do not trust their team. However, it is impossible for one human being to do everything, especially in a business context. Remind yourself why you hired your team in the first place. You hired them for help but they can’t help you if you don’t give them the chance. Focus on the end goal. Every employee has their own way of doing things. That’s what makes them unique. As a manager, concentrate on the results. Are you satisfied with their work? Did the employee accomplish what you had envisioned?
4. Choose the right person.
It is without a doubt important to know your team. Getting to know your team is also a great way of knowing their individual interests, skills, working styles and strengths which can benefit your company. When giving out assignments, knowing your staff’s individual capabilities and limits are definitely essential. If someone started working for your company a week ago, you wouldn’t assign them something you know they lack the experience to do. It wouldn’t be fair to the person and it wouldn’t benefit your company at all. Instead, you would choose someone who is more “seasoned” and has more knowledge with regards to your business. It is also more than recommended to delegate tasks to small groups instead of one individual. This way teamwork is encouraged and imagine the great results you can reap as your employees juggle different ideas.
Anyone can be a leader but not everyone can be a good leader. Delegating responsibilities may sound a lot easier than it actually is and it is okay to face challenges in this area of leadership. Communicate clearly what you need to be done, choose the right tools and the right employees and let go and watch the magic happen.
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